Sunday, May 1, 2011


I am laying sandwiched in the park between Seth, a magnolia tree, a maple tree and Mr. Sweet Potato. The weak winter sun is finally gone, replaced by the stronger spring sun filtering through the tall spruce and fir trees. Having just had a gourmet collection of sandwiches, I was watching young frisky couples, old and wise couples, kids too old to come and pet Seth, yet looking at him longingly, and kids too young to know fear, running towards him with gay abandon. I don’t know what every soul’s idea of heaven is, but this is mine. I remember the Sufi poet, Amir Khusro’s couplet engraved in the Taj Mahal, “If there is a heaven on earth, its here, its here, its here!”

The sandwiches I mentioned in passing in the above idyllic scene were a big part of this frame of heaven. I visited the Tacoma Farmers market for the first time last weekend, thanks to some persistent prodding by Mr. Sweet Potato. There was an explosion of chives at the market. Almost every farmstand carried this herb. Chive flowers, when crushed, have a delicate and herbaceous fragrance. Chanel should seriously consider using it as the next perfume base. “Cherishing Chives” by Chanel would ring perfect.And Portman should smile enticingly holding a bottle of “Cherishing Chives”, from magazine pages.

I also discovered a new local cheese store – Black Sheep Creamery, and sampled some sheep cheese – fresh, creamy and gentle –  dissolving in my mouth, creating a sensation of soft silk throw pillows. With a huge  bunch of chives, the first thought that crossed my mind was egg salad. Then egg salad sandwiches. Chives would go well with smoked salmon and cream cheese too. Why not a huge plate of sandwiches then.

The egg salad was simple. The only twist was – a generous helping of goat cheese along with mayonnaise, many shakes of paprika, and a cup of finely chopped chives. Rye bread provided the perfect complement for the egg salad.

The smoked salmon I bought from Northern Fish Company had Cajun spices. I crushed it with cream cheese and added capers and chives. I wanted to complement the smoked salmon with bagels. Can anyone tell me where to find good bagels in the Pacific Northwest?  I have been thoroughly spoiled by East Coast and Manhattan living – I want bagels, not bread that has been passed off as bagels. I had to settle for rye bread instead. The dark deep flavored bread was so good absorbing the saltiness of the salmon.

I used white bread for the pineapple chutney. This is a North Indian meets Caribbean recipe Рa true labor of love. Pineapples and peaches are added to saut̩ed red pepper, onion, ginger and garlic, and then slow-cooked with apple cider vinegar, brown sugar and curry powder. The chutney lasts forever like a pickle, and is ubiquitous in its ability to go with meat, fish, bread and crackers. Sweet and savory as Ms. Butterfish would say.

Saving the best for last, the grilled vegetable Panini. I have a $10 grill bought from a neighbor in Pioneer Square, which occupies very little space and lets me grill to my heart’s content. I started with the Portabella mushrooms, whose perfect grilling mate is Worcestershire sauce. Next, I grilled the eggplant with Channa masala and finally, red peppers with Balsamic vinegar and olive oil.  I used whole wheat sourdough bread, layered it with huge scoops of goat cheese, and dressing with equal parts balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard that had been whisked together. Then came layer upon layer of vegetables. The entire sandwich was then squeezed between the plates of the grill to make a Panini.

Spring is finally here. Why not welcome it with a picnic, a basket full of sandwiches and your perfect mate, can be the two legged or four legged kind or both.

The chive flower
                                                     Egg salad sandwich
Boil some eggs

Add paprika, goat cheese and mayo

The chives next

Heap on rye bread

Smoked salmon sandwich

Smoked cajun salmon

Crush the salmon with cream cheese and add capers and chives

With butter pickles made by my favorite nurse from Centralia

The sweet and savory pineapple cutney

With green tea

                                                    Vegetable Panini
The grilling mate of Portebella mushroom

Eggplant with Channa masala

The grilled ecstacy.

Sheep cheese

Balsamic vinegar and dijon mustard for dressing the sandwich

Whisked together

Layer the sandwich with cheese, the dressing and grilled vegetables

Grill the whole sandwich 

Serve with dressing.

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